Knowledge-based Documentation

How to structure QMS Documentation?
- Policy on Quality. A policy is a declarative sentence made by a company. A quality policy should state the organization’s commitment to quality and continuous improvement. Typically, this policy is utilized for promotional purposes and should be shown in the organization’s offices and on websites; thus, a clear and concise Quality Policy is useful and common practice. The organization’s quality objectives are defined in the Quality Policy. Organizational quality goals are developed by quantifying quality objectives.
- Quality Assurance Manual. The guidebook should be tailored to your company’s needs. The form and content of the manual might differ based on the size of the company, the complexity of its operations, and the level of expertise of its employees. Small businesses can record their whole quality management system in a single handbook. On the other hand, large worldwide organizations may have many quality manuals. The scope of the QMS template, exclusions from the standard, references to important documents, and the business process model is all included in the handbook. The Quality Policy and Objectives might also be included in the manual.
- The majority of the following components should be included in the Quality Manual: title and table of contents; scope of the QMS; exclusions from ISO 9001, refactoring information, and authorization; Quality Policy and Objectives; QMS explanation, the company’s business management model; definition of all personnel’s obligations; and citations to relevant documents and annexures.
- Instructions for work. Work instructions, in general, have a striking resemblance to procedures and contain the same aspects; however, work instructions include specifics of actions that must be completed, with an emphasis on the sequencing of stages, tools, and techniques to be employed, as well as the needed precision.
- Employees’ training and the utilization of qualified personnel can reduce the requirement for comprehensive job instructions. Using Competencies, Training, and Awareness to Replace Documentation in Your QMS goes into further depth on this topic.
- Forms and records You’ll want to preserve some proof to show that your processes satisfied the standards; here is where forms and documents come in handy. A description is what the process owner has selected to demonstrate that the process and activities were carried out according to the procedures and job instructions. Forms are blank templates filled in with data to create these records. Have your papers and forms more practical by being succinct and simply documenting the information needed; don’t make your personnel write essays to fill out forms or produce records.
Assessment of the Risk of Corruption
The Institute has made provisions for the recognition, analysis, and management of bribery risk groups, focusing on the Faculty’s key corruption risk areas or areas where the Institute is revealed to a higher risk of corruption, to facilitate it to effectively address and manage bribery and corruption risks in its business operations. The Corruption Risk Assessment will be conducted by Senior Management, including the Executive Director and Department Heads.
The Institute has established this Anti-Bribery Risk Assessment Malaysia Framework following the development of law and regulations about the overall fight against corruption, including the emergence of corporate liability to Malaysian commercial organizations via the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) Act 2009 (amended 2018), which sets out the Institute’s principles and stance, as well as adequate procedures against bribery and corrupt actions in the confederation.
This Anti-Bribery and Corruption Framework took into account, among other things, Prime Minister’s Department instructions, namely Guidelines on Adequate Processes.
In accordance with Section 17A of the modified Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (as amended in 2018), as well as other international best practices. The Institute aspires to reach the greatest degree of corporate ethics and eliminate bribery and corruption from the Institute’s operations.