PRP Hair Restoration Treatment – Here’s a Guide on What You Should Expect

Hair restoration is a new possibility by the blessings of science. The best addition to the already wonderful techniques is the PRP hair restoration technique. PRP is used as a short form for platelet-rich plasma. If you are suffering from severe hair fall, then the PRP technique might save the day. Dive in to find out more about this technique!
Specifics about PRP Hair Restoration Technique that No-one Tells You About
Before we can walk you through the procedure and benefits of PRP, we would first like to help you know if you’re a suitable candidate or not.
Hair follicles are responsible for the growth of hair strands. While falling strands can be replaced, extinct hair follicles can’t. That’s the truth! PRP will be effective if the follicles still exist. So, if you’re already bald, you’re not a suitable candidate.
That being said, if you’re still going through the phase of hair loss, it means PRP is the ray of hope you must hang onto.
What is PRP and What’s the Hype and Buzz about it?
Platelets in the human body have growth factors. If the platelets from the patient’s body can be injected into the part of the scalp that’s losing hair strands, growth and regeneration factors can be released in that specific area. And this procedure is known as PRP.
The blood of the patient is passed through the process called centrifugation to separate plasma rich in platelets from other blood components. That plasma is inserted inside the scalp’s patch that’s losing hair. Platelets release the growth factors that strengthen the hair follicles and instigate them to make new hair strands.
Is PRP Safe?
The plasma that’s inserted inside the scalp is the plasma of the patient. It’s not artificial. Hence, the body easily accepts the plasma. So, yes, PRP is 100% safe.
Does it Really Work?
If the hair follicles are still present, then, yes! PRP hair restoration at Clinique Anti Aging clinic is specifically and intentionally combined with procedures like RF microneedling or vitamin and antioxidant injections or Erbium laser.
Plasma strengthens hair follicles and platelets increase the formation of hair strands. The other procedures boost the entire purpose by increasing blood supply and making the new hair strands strong so that they don’t fall off very quickly. The results are, thus, much better and last longer.
How Much Time Does it Take for Hair to Come Back?
Usually, 3-5 PRP sittings are required before the desired results can be obtained. Doctors, however, can offer the idea about the exact number of sittings. All the sittings are kept 1 month apart from each other. So, it usually takes 5-6 months for the hair to grow back to a decent amount.