Living With A Patient: 6 Notes From A Cancer Doctor

Cancer is challenging for the patient and their loved ones: There are moments of hopelessness because the former has no idea how to get out of this seemingly severe slump, while the latter sometimes has no idea how to relieve these feelings. Another situation is caring for the patient. It can become a burden when someone has many things on their plate. No one is to blame, of course, but there are some things people should do to manage the situation.
Our focus here is the topic of living with a cancer patient. Why is there a need to explore this when all you have to do is be sensitive and responsible for your actions? Well, most people overlook the importance of gathering valuable information from an expert, such as an oncology doctor, and knowing some tips that prove to be effective.
In this article, let us explore some tips and techniques from a cancer doctor in Singapore. If you are a family member, caregiver, friend, or someone who interacts with a patient, you will gather valuable information on how to be with them.
Most people think this is a bit of reach because why would an oncology doctorcare about the patient’s daily interactions and social circles? Aside from that, how can they even give relationship tips when people can visit a mental health professional for that?
On the contrary, they have extensive knowledge of these things because they deal with patients. For starters, they know the case of the particular patient. For instance, they know that the patient lives with their parents and has three older siblings who are close to them. This information is valuable because they know what tips to suggest when interacting with them at home, based on their age, situation, and other factors. In short, do not be afraid when asking the doctor for tips on what to say to the patient or relieving their negative feelings.
We are not asking you to become an oncology doctoror be an expert on lung cancer treatment in Singapore because that is too much. Instead, know the fundamentals of the condition for these reasons: First, it helps you realise what the person is feeling. You can now relate to them or form a connection that thrives on mutual understanding. Second, it gives you a sense of familiarity with what they do daily, their medication, the health practices to take note of, and sometimes their lifestyle.
In short, knowing the condition increases your empathy because you can put yourself in their shoes and understand how they feel about the situation. (Tip: Always consult credible experts and resources when trying to know the condition because misinformation is a serious thing that can affect this activity.)
Most family and friends cannot be with their loved ones at every session of their prostate cancer treatment procedures in Singapore, for example, because they have personal lives to deal with and other responsibilities. Aside from that, some patients insist on being alone or trusting the medical staff for help because they hate the idea of relying on other people.
However, one way to keep a strong relationship is by helping them on some days. It does not have to be something grand or extra because simple things count. Also, they will remember your kindness: Nothing is better than doing it for them and not something in return. (Tip: Respect personal boundaries if you must because patients have different personalities and social skills.)
Aside from offering a helping hand and guiding them on some days of their cervical cancer treatment sessions in Singapore, for example, another step is to learn their activities and the things they need. First, you can ask them about the food they consume throughout the week, and try to brighten up their days by giving them a token of appreciation or something that puts a smile on their face.
The second is to learn about the medical items and products they use because you might find yourself in a situation where you need to buy one or order online. (Tip: You do not have to insert yourself in the narrative or become their best friend 24/7. Helping them with their daily activities in mind is already enough.)
Some patients are forgiving to people because they would rather understand their ignorance while others are not because of their strong personalities and beliefs about filtering your thoughts and words. With this, imagine the pain and struggles of someone going through a series of prostate cancer treatmentprocedures, for example, and know why they can be irritable and sensitive.
People must realise that not all statements may sit well with the patients, such as giving false hopes, pointing out changes in their physical looks, and their hopeless mindset during episodes of distress. (Tip: If you have nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself.)
Assurance is something most people need, regardless of their personality traits, because some need them to secure themselves. These are words that give promise that they will never break.
For instance, if someone is going through cervical cancer treatmentprocedures with a professional radiation oncologist in Singapore, the doctor tells them that they will see results in a given period or update them about the progress of their treatment. For friends and family, things are different. One should always tell the patient that they are not a burden or that the help they give is out of their kindness.
Try it; you will notice how the person appreciates everything, and your relationship becomes stronger. (Tip: Again, be careful with your words because some can be sensitive and irritable. You must understand their situation.)
Now that you know these notes from an oncology doctor, you can now confidently interact with your friend or family member battling cancer. Don’t worry too much about things because you are a good person! Visit Dr Johann Tang for more information on their medical services.