10 Uses for Router Tools in Woodworking

There are various tools used in woodworking. All the tools are unique and versatile in their different functions. Some of the common tools used in woodworking include hand saws, power jointer, jigsaw, thickness planer and router bit. These tools are essential for any Woodwork. They are a must-have for any carpenter, especially beginners. Router tools are basically hand-held tools. They are mostly used in hard materials like wood to hollow through certain areas over a router table.
The following are ten uses of router tools:
1.Making hinge mortises
Router tools are efficient in making hinge mortises on doors. Although a chisel does the work well, a router works much better. You need to make a standard template for routing using a quarter-inch straight bit in a guide collar. Make a shaped template using scrap, fit it at the base then clamp it along the door frame. This template creates uniform mortises.
2.Cutting flush inlays
This is a delicate exercise that requires precision. The cuts are small, and only a small tool will be suitable for the task. Using a router tool, do shallow excavations on the wood to make a piece flush.
Bigger routers can be used for this, but a trim router should be your first choice. Light and small-sized routers will be natural for you to control and move around for the perfect precision needed.
3.Creating a profile at the edges
Profiling edges is essential in woodwork as it helps in removing sharp edges. A router tool can be used to create chamfers and smooth round overs. Be careful and steady when profiling.
4.Trimming veneer
It is possible to leave more extensive veneer than the board on which you are fixing. If you are a carpenter, do not panic if that happens. Routers can be used to trim the edges.
For veneer with a proper thickness, you only need to pass it along the edges to trim them to the desired alignment. If the exterior is very thin, use a climb cut to prevent chipping.
5.Making multiples of similar items
If you want to duplicate patterns, router bits are the tools to use. They use top-bearing bits to route wood around a pattern template. Routers can be used instead of heavy machines when dealing with small and thin wood.
6.Shaving plywood lipping
Using sandpaper on veneer can damage it. Instead, use a router tool to cut the wood into a flush – the straight bit is used for this purpose. Router bits can be used on thick wood of up to 3/4″ to make clean cuts.
7.Cutting flush plugs
Router tool will save you time when used to cut flush caps. They are one of the many tools that can be used to cut plugs. Use the straight bit with the trim router to cut plugs.
8.Making signs
A trim router can make a good sign in the shortest time possible. The tool should be laid flat on the surface being worked on. This way, the routing will be done easily.
9.Drilling of holes
Routers can be used to bore holes like other tools including a drill and plunge router. It does an equally good job.
10.Making joinery
Routers can also be used to makes small joints efficiently. However, make sure the cuts are of reasonable sizes. It is not practical to cut large joints using a small router. Router bits are suitable for minor cuts such as rabbets.
Bottom Line
Different router tools come in different sizes and features depending on what you are looking to use it for and how. You can match these tools to your needs. Most of these routing tools are modern and can handle any work from small scale to large scale. However, it is crucial to choose functionality, especially if you want the tools to serve you for a long time. Also, you need to be realistic with regard to your skills and needs